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This is me . . .

Hey, I’m Alice and I was diagnosed with ADHD in June 2022 when I was 43 years old. Up to then, I had gained a Degree  in Law (with a new born baby in tow for my final year); completed my teaching qualification and worked as a Primary School teacher for nearly 20 years – specialising in Special Educational Needs. Run three property companies and  worked as a property mentor. Delivered training courses to large companies on the benefits of hiring Autistic employees and been married for 20 years and raised two children into their twenties… AND BREATHE … Yet, somehow, I never truly felt happy, content or worthy of my achievements. I could solve the most complicated of problems, yet the simplest things just seemed so impossible. I would constantly say to myself ‘there must be something wrong with me’ – I just couldn’t work out what it was. 


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Over the last 2 years, since my diagnosis, I have completed various

courses and training and received regular coaching sessions from

a coach specialising in ADHD. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I feel truly content with where I am now and not constantly searching for something more. I’ve also realised that some of my ADHD traits are really pretty cool especially knowing how to do them on purpose!
Knowing what an awful place I was in before my diagnosis, and knowing how amazing I feel now, has made me really want to help others to feel the same. So, to enable me to pass this knowledge and happiness on, Motion in Mind, Coaching and Training was launched. We coach individuals with all neurodivergent conditions (including those who are self diagnosed); deliver training to businesses and host live webinars.


If you would like to find out more, let’s talk.

You can book in a free 30-minute chemistry call right here …

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